Apr 02

Facebook: The Final Frontier

Your job, or your password? With the unemployment rate still high, potential employees are being put through a hiring obstacle course by their prospective employers.  The latest trend is a request for your facebook password.  Not your username, your password. Why?  According to a recent poll, 95 percent of employers say they use social media sites to ferret …

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Permanent link to this article: https://peterusagi.com/2012/04/02/facebook-the-final-frontier/

Mar 02

Find out about the Unbook…

Here’s another guest post I’ve written on the Modern Mythology website.  Check it out!   Related posts:A Nifty Tool For Your Transmedia Storytelling ToolboxI’m guest posting!Coming Out of the Tardis (Pt. 3)

Permanent link to this article: https://peterusagi.com/2012/03/02/find-out-about-the-unbook/

Feb 07

I’m guest posting!

Hello everyone!  Big news…I’m guest posting on another blog: Modern Mythology!  Head on over to check out my continuing series, “The Story of a Transmedia Revolution” (part one and part two are already posted).  In a month, I’ll be reposting them here.  But if you can’t wait, head over to Modern Mythology today! What is Modern Mythology? …

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Permanent link to this article: https://peterusagi.com/2012/02/07/the-modern-mythology-revolution-has-begun/

Jan 16

Coming Out of the Tardis (Pt. 3)

The Tale of a Sci-Fi Soldier My battle buddies don’t ask, and I don’t tell.  It’s an uncomfortable situation, but it’s worked out so far.  Unfortunately, most people in my unit will never know the “real” me. Other Soldiers may know that I don’t like to drink Monster energy drinks, but would rather drink tea (well, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://peterusagi.com/2012/01/16/coming-out-of-the-tardis-pt-3/

Jan 13

Coming out of the Tardis (Pt. 2)

(The first part of this series was posted almost two years ago–it was one of the very first entries on this blog.  You can check it out here.  While I’m no longer deployed to Iraq–and I’ve since met several other warrior geeks–I still feel there is an unfair perception that while it may be OK …

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Permanent link to this article: https://peterusagi.com/2012/01/13/coming-out-of-the-tardis-pt-2/

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